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  • spooky and sweeter
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January 17, 2023
Trick-Or-Treaters from Mama Spark's World

I have finished binding my pattern test quilt from Meags and Me.It's called Trick-or-TreatersI just love these little Trick-or-Treaters.I used fabric from the Art Gallery line, Spooky and Sweeter for the upper and lower part.I used a Grunge for the applique background.I had to piece the upper and lower part because the pattern was wider than the fabric.If you look closely you can see where I

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July 23, 2022
Trick-Or-Treat Quilt from Mama Spark's World

I spoke previously about pattern testing this quilt for Meags & Me.  I finally finished the top.  It is ADORABLE!  I handed it off to Liz to quilt today.  I just thought I would share the top with you all.  If I were to make it again, if they didn't make this change, I would decrease the applique pattern by ~20%.  Doing this would allow the rest of the quilt (very top and very bottom) to fit on

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May 16, 2022
Pattern Testing from Mama Spark's World

I have been working on another pattern test for Meags and Me.  It is called Trick-Or-Treat and it is adorable!It is a group of Trick or treaters.I decided to "build" the appliques using an applique sheet.I couldn't find my Godess sheet so I used some small sheets I have to do it.When the applique was too large I used some of the fusible paper.You can see in the photo that I taped the original to

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  • spooky and sweeter
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